So I'm going to go against the grain here and probably annoy my teachers, but what exactly are we intended to use the substantive conversations and taxonomy for? I realize I will be using them a lot in the coming year, but I am having a rough time picturing myself filling out data grids in order to complete my lesson plan. I can't picture myself examining whether my class had 81% of HOT thinking. I like the ideas behind the rubric, and I hope to live up to them, but I can't picture myself referring to them much. And I'm hard pressed to see the taxonomy as anything but silly.
It doesn't help (and I know these are bias sources) that my mother, who taught in secondary and community college developmental ed for thirty years and is ABD in a doctorate on the needs of developmental english studies told me she never used a taxonomy, that she didn't bother to learn Bloom's (which was all the rage then) and overall she's been lauded as an exceptional teacher. My uncle, with similar credentials, remarked, "they aren't still teaching that crap, are they?
Please respond if you have a clue, because this is impeding my motivation. Thanks.