Thursday, July 9, 2009

Picture this Class

So it started out easy.  I put in desks in groups of four.  A desk at the front with a white board and a screen so I could show power point.  So, a laptop to show the powerpoint.  Then I added four class computers I figured groups of kids could go over to use the internet or type up their assignments.  As an afterthought, I added audio/visual equipment so they could make their own documentaries, etc.  The odd thing is, that while I conceive of video equipment, it wasn't till other people started to talk about every student having a computer that I even considered it.  In fact, in someways I still can't consider it.  Kids had access to a) computers in our very limited, outdated computer system and the two geriatric ones in the newspaper room.  Which means depending where I go as a teacher, I have a lot of thinking to do about the ways I can use tech in my class.


  1. Bets, thanks for the post. I was intrigued by your mentioning the possibility of having audio/video editing set up of some kind that would allow for students to make their own documentaries. I like the idea, but I'd like to know more about why it appeals to you. Where does the process of conceptualizing/filming/editing documentaries fit in with you learning and teaching goals?

  2. I'm not sure I want all the kids to have computers either...or at least not all the time...

  3. Bets
    I think you bring up an excellent point that the technology you can use really depends on where you are teaching! This is very true and hopefully we will be discussing it in class when you get into your placements (this issue will become even more transparent in the Fall). Not only will it depend on your school's resources, but also your students' own resources, knowledge, and abilities with technology. Hopefully we will be giving you a few ideas on how to deal with this issue.
