Thursday, July 16, 2009


I just noticed I had some questions in my comments.  
As for the use of audio/film (or dig vid) in an English class--I don't think English is restricted to the printed page.  Or literature.  They are living breathing bodies of self expression (because you are just kidding yourself if you think you don't put yourself in there somewhere).  From documentary to fictional shorts, not only is it an art form, but like creating writing, creating media makes you more aware of what goes into a product.  I am hoping it will help them to view TV, movies, the news, etc. all with a more critical eye.

As for my writing--no.  I'm not published.  I write a bit of everything and I'm currently trying to get published.  I actually have a recently raised from the dead writing blog on blogger.  Writer's Nest, Elizabeth Davies.


  1. I think that it is a great thing to look for publishing. As a physics guy, this is similar to continuing research in the field. Constantly updating.

  2. Thanks for the response to my question, Bets. I appreciate your point (as I understand it) that thinking through how expressive/creative work is structured and the ways in which it seeks to reach its audience has to be valuable work for writers. I'd wager that making connections between different expressive genres can lead to deeper thinking and more savvy analysis of creative work, too.
